Dachshund gives birth to a record litter of 11 puppies

Dachshund gives birth to a record litter of 11 puppies
Dachshund gives birth to a record litter of 11 puppies (Photo: Freepik)

A Dachshund dog has given birth to what could be a record litter for her breed: eleven puppies at once.

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Winnie, a three-year-old Dachshund, delivered the huge litter at her home near Leicester, England, in September. The sausage dog typically gives birth to a litter of one to six puppies due to her small size.

“She’s such a great mum. I’m overwhelmed that she could have had a world record number of puppies. I looked online and I couldn’t believe it,” said Rayma Jones, Winnie’s owner, to local news outlets.

Winnie gave birth to her first puppy at 11:30 PM, and Rayma stayed with her. The second one arrived two hours later, followed by four more, each with a 20-minute gap. Numbers seven, eight, and nine appeared about seven minutes apart, followed by a 40-minute gap until number 10.

Rayma went to bed at 6:30 AM, believing Winnie was done with all her puppies. But when she checked four hours later, she found one more puppy. “I really thought she’d finished, but when I came back I counted them and there were 11,” she said.

Another Dachshund, Cheesecake, gave birth to 10 puppies in September 2021 and made headlines. However, Winnie surpassed that number, and her owner believes it could be a world record, even though the Guinness World Records does not keep records for individual dog breeds.

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